What we focus on is what we get!

coaching empowerment focus leadership mindset superpower Sep 14, 2021
The power of Focus


Written by Anita Dickons


Have you noticed that some days everything just flows and yet others it seems like one thing after the other doesn’t go to plan?

What changes in that scenario? Could it be your focus?

I’ve noticed that what you focus on is what you get, so if you spend your time focusing on that bad day and what’s wrong it just seems to keep getting worse or not improving at the very least. Our focus is like a heat seeking missile it locks on and we get what we focus on to the exclusion of everything else.

Like when you are looking for a new car and you’ve chosen a red mini, once you drive out of that showroom with red mini in your thoughts you see them everywhere barely noticing any other model or colour of car.

Superpower Tip!  Next time you are having a bad day STOP take time to pause and ask yourself where is my focus right now and simply shift it to where you want it to be. You are the driver, you get to choose YOUR focus.

If you hear yourself telling the same story over and over change the story, start telling an empowering story of how you want it to be.

A statistic I’ve heard is that we spend 90% of our time focusing on the problem and only 10% on the solution, imagine the result if we switched that and spent 90% of our focus on finding the solution what do you think would happen, where would our focus now be?


Imagine the time you would save if you applied this way of thinking into your business or life knowing you control where and what you focus on, knowing you can shift that focus anytime you choose. Take some time during the coming week to just check in with yourself where is my focus and where do I want it to be?

Listen out to others you are working or living with and pass on these ideas to them and notice the changes you are creating.



Photo by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash

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